“I want to reach people and express myself.” - Edie Sedgwick

Our studio draws inspiration from our namesake, the late Edie Sedgwick, the model, artist and creative soul made famous by pop-artist Andy Warhol.

To us, she embodies grace, beauty, style, and creativity, which are the characteristics that we strive to achieve in all we do.  

We are committed to making great music.

We want to help you, as an artist, “reach people and express” yourself in an environment that encourages and enhances greatness.   

It all started when…

Through a vision that came after his son passed away in a freak accident after graduating high-school, owner Andrew Reed saw and built a 3-level, state-of-the-art, remote mountaintop recording retreat center, surrounded by 12,000 acres of game lands, where artists could reside and become absorbed in their projects. He was using Hemi-Sync audio technologies with-by bereavement when the vision came at 5am. He obeyed the vision, and purchased the dilapidated house within 2 hours. It was October 2008, when he made the purchase, despite being wiped out by a recent divorce and the 2008 financial crisis. But the “prompting” said “it would all be OK…and that people would come from all over the world to learn and that hit records would be recorded…and that it would pay for itself in the first year…”

He sat in the space for days, watching the sun rise and set, thinking about how to the design and form it.

It was designed to make special music in the realms of Pink Floyd, Zappa, Fleetwood Mac, The Eagles and, of course, The Beatles.

It was designed so artists could have many rooms with different natural ambiances and capabilities for various distance micing.

It was designed to give the creative mind a place to work, a place to unwind, and a place to be reborn

And 100% of the vision came true.